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Showing posts from June, 2020

What is Bitcoin????

Source: That's Right, I'm Back!         I know it's been a while, and I'm sure that you were just pining for the familiar sight of a fresh new LorenzoRamble. I am happy to announce that LorenzoRambles is coming back for "another season" if you could call it that. Really what I mean by that is I have been putting off writing another LorenzoRamble for so long that I guess that the only excuse I can make is that I was preparing for another season. Anyway while I was gone apparently my view count has grown to over 2,000 views. Which to me seems crazy as there aren't even that many LorenzoRambles, but I guess people actually like reading them. In the future I am even thinking about creating a fun  Patreon Support page, so stay tuned. Alright, back to your regularly scheduled entertainment.  Money, Money, Money  It's all over the news, on social media, and you probably have heard people talking about it. But what really is Bitcoin.